Pre-site Visit
I visited the place I will intern at. It is an automotive shop off of Barnett Avenue. I met my mentor Julio and he showed me around the shop explaining the multiple ways I could help and learn throughout my time there (working with customers, helping with cars, etc.). What I want from this internship is the practical and helpful skills for a future job. Previous experience working in a business and gaining different skills will help with that. Another more in-depth thing to gain is to learn what goes into a business and the multiple creative ways they use to keep a business going. The automotive maintenance and repair industry-despite the necessity for many car owners-isn't known for its immensely profitable nature. This can be seen as due to the fact so many automotive repair places exist the incentive to lower costs to accumulate more customers is high. With so many automotive locations in the world much less San Diego (more than twenty) learning how Dragonfly can stay sustainable and make a profit can help in my future efforts if I ever decide to open up my own business.
Pre-First Day
We are back at school just for the first day. It is essentially just the schools way of reminding us more about how the internship will need to be processed paperwork wise. We have to be there at least 7 hours, make sure we get time-sheets filled out, call in advance if we have any absences, and preform well since this counts as our humanities grade. On one hand I'm excited to work towards something new and get those skills every part time job is looking for but on the other hand I still want to get a good grade.
Week 1
Entry 1#
Life around the autobody shop.
Each of the employees have their own workstations which include the lifts for the cars as well as tools. During the work, cars are brought into the back and driven into an individual workstation where one of the employees will work on it. Despite handing each issue individually at times they will help one other movie the cars around or get a second opinion on an issue. I see the style of the work area as less of an assembly line and more of one on one work.
Entry #2
As for how the company benefits to the community (other than repairing the main form of transportation) I discovered they provide repairs for the city of San Diego's Shuttles for the airport. (The "See The World" busses) I learned they require more frequent repairs so that the city cannot be sued for any issues regarding the car. Apart from the city, the company offers repairs and services to people. While they offer autobody upgrades I found over the week more people came for minor issues and oil and tire changes for their car.

The floor of the shop

Inside one of the vans
Week 2
Entry #3
One of the main ideas behind the internship is gaining a better understanding of what you want to in life after college. I feel this internship has changed my life in the sense of whether or not I wanted to start my own business. INitally I felt that should be my goal since its a common goal for most entrepreneurial people but while "entrepreneurial" is the common word people have described my business antics as I see my future as less of a business owner and more of a leader. My thoughts are subject to change of course in the next five years but being a boss of a business seemed to be more of tedious day to day management than actually leading. Then again each business (especially industry) can be lead and managed differently. This is just my impression at the moment

Entry #4
I feel the biggest challenge I face during the internship is some of the legal issues in terms of helping out with the cars. My mentor Julio told me about that at the beginning of the internship so it didn't come as a surprise and I feel I have been able to overcome it by finding different ways to help. The biggest and possibly most fun way I have been able to help is driving the cars from the parking lot to the back entrance of the warehouse. Since I have my license and I am an insured driver I was able to overcome the challenge of finding something I could do safely and within whatever rules they have

Entry #5
I decided the best project to do would be something I would be interested in, something that I could work on throughout my time interning, and something to help me learn more. I decided I wanted to create a report that would research the cost and work needed to create a hypothetical business. However, it would be more intricate than a simple "buy this and sell it at that" I will take into account business tax in California, initial startup cost (possibly bank loans), office space cost, marketing ideas, employee cost (especially with the rising minimum wage) and any and all costs it would take to start your own business. In the end, I would essentially want to create a guide for how to start one and while yes I wouldn't be the first one to create a guide it would be something to help myself understand business ownership more and see if it is something I would want to pursue.
Week 3
Entry #6
In the photo to the right, we see a car most would think is straight from Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom. I discovered later it was a car that had been sitting in someone's backyard for years which explained the amount of dust and dirt that accumulated under the car. I took the photo simply because it was a unique car that someone had brought in. Most of the cars the mechanics work on are normal cars (with the exception of the See The World busses) so being able to see a unique car made for a highlight of the day. While this isn't the first unique car I have seen in my time interning here it definitely is the oldest and would draw the most attention.

Entry #7
As for social interactions I've met and gotten to know the people who work there (Manny, Art, Ernesto, Tom, Julio, Andy, and Daniel) Everyone is usually working on individual cars but sometimes they assist one another and offer advice, so while they don't all work on the same project social interaction isn't lacking. While assisting any one of them, or talking in the break room. at any point in the past weeks, I have gotten to know each of them more and become more familiar. Ernesto once even got me a bean and cheese burrito which definitely was a highlight since it was nice of him to do. This week most of my interactions were with the floor manager tom as he walked me through the process of documenting and printing paperwork based off of the customer's needs. I noticed an entire board of permits and decided to take a picture finding it interesting how many permits and licenses it took.
Week 4
How have you seen your role develop or change over the course of your internship?
I've noticed the main person I work alongside and assist is Tom the floor manager. I have helped him create and print work orders as customers come in. Another task is stocking which (believe it or not) has proven to be kind of fun in a way. The picture to the left is the upstares stock area (which has more of the infrequently used parts such as lights. One of the coolest parts is actually the boxes that they use to store them. It is somewhat of an unrelated note but I do like the color and the way they can be used to efficiently organize and label the parts.

Are you planning to continue working with your internship site or mentor after the internship is over? If so, how did these plans develop? What will you be doing?
While I haven't been offered a job working at Dragonfly has made me consider how jobs will go for me in life after high school. Most people feel getting their dream job is as easy as going to college and getting a job and while that's still a possibility most jobs nowadays require not just a college degree but job experience as well. Unlike a college degree (which is usually just getting accepted and working through it) jobs are like working the way up the later though more and more experience. I looked at this internship as a way to start that metaphorical climb because it could appeal to either to my interest in business or my interest in engineering. This internship has really made me consider my future job wise.
Above: The stocking shelves on the second story
Below: Oil barrels that I have helped move and organize. Each barrel holds 55 gallons and requires a separate tool to move them

The Last Week
What advice would you pass on to future interns?
If I was to offer any advice
to future interns, it would be to understand no matter what internship you pick its what you make of it that matters. You can learn skills for a job resume, make your college application look nicer, or even just see what it is like to work at a job. Pick something that seems interesting to you even if it is something you don't see yourself doing later in life. I don't plan to be an automotive technician but it was a field of work I was curious about and I was still able to take something from it. That's what its really about and if there's anything to take from all my entires its that.

IHow do you feel about returning back to classes next week? Do you anticipate a different experience of school now that you have been immersed in a workplace?
Workplace definitely shows me that it really just matters if you have the experience. They had me filling out order forms for air and oil filters despite the fact I was an intern and hadn't even finished high school. Its an odd feeling of being ready for the working world. Considering the importance of some topics we learn in school if a future job for us has nothing to do with it. Nevertheless, it'll be interesting to be back at school especially since we haven't been there since DECEMBER! I think it's also cool that we get a four day weekend the day we get back. It'll be nice to hang out with friends and to be honest ever since I got the email regarding the breakfast on Monday I've been pretty excited to head back to school

Photo Essay
Internship was a fun and productive way of looking into the working world and better understanding what is in store for me in the future. I learned how to manage a working environment that is hectic and changes rapidly. I learned how the business operates and works with other businesses (to obtain parts oil or other work done). I felt it was beneficial to me not only to learn more about a field of work that seemed interesting to me but to better understand what kind of work I would be looking into when I am older (not automotive work). The photo is of the back of the bus as we rode to the airport. Dragonfly helped repair one of the shuttles. While you can see the runway in the background what you can’t see is the airplanes as they took off and landed since we needed to put the shuttle where they keep them we were able to into an area that would be restricted to the public. As I rode on in the bus it was interesting to be the only one there. This was on my first day of being at internship and it was an odd feeling to be the only person not only on the bus but interning there. I thought it was actually pretty interesting and productive however to be the only one. Gives an idea on how the world is. As for being on the bus it was fun because realistically I’m never going to need to ride it again (unless I move out of San Diego and fly back and don’t have a ride) so it was fun to do it. It made for a good first day of internship and a cool story to tell my parents when they picked me up. This is a view of the shop from the second story from the “indoor balcony” of sorts. You can see the two busses that Dragonfly. I learned that the busses are in need of constant repair due to any liabilities the city may face. Since there are many people looking to sue the city the city takes precaution to ensure that they cannot be sued. What you can’t see outside the photo is the group of people downstairs waiting to hear my iPOl. The photo was taken on my last day of internship and it was an odd feeling to no longer have to go their and to be heading back to school. It made me wonder more of the working world and how many of us feel ready for it. Work experience seems much more helpful than people have made it seem and it made me curious if a year of work experience would be more helpful than a year of college. It just makes me wonder what kind of education and experience would be more beneficial. Nevertheless it was a fun internship and being able to see all the cars from the view was cool. To the left we have a stack of tires which I helped organize on my first day here. I learned more about the different sized tires. I discovered all the old tires are actually stacked up in their own pile (as seen on the right) and are sold to someone who later goes and sells them as used tires in Tijuana. It was an interesting exchange between multiple business. In the far right you can also see the front of a silver car. I learned later someone came in for work on the car but left it at the shop. Since it was abandoned they were able to claim ownership of it. At first I thought they were too quick to claim it but then learned it had been sitting in the shop for over two years. Towards the last week of internship they actually moved it (which amazed me that it still worked). This is the car I ended up driving. It was actually one of the first times I drove alone for more than just around the block. We drove about seven minutes to a second location that helped us with a tire alignment. To be the first car I ever drove alone a car that wasn’t even mine felt a little nerve wracking at first but I got the hang of it. It was an odd experience but one that I felt necessary. Many people I feel need to have those moments of spontaneous independence with no chance to think. Similar to throwing a bird to teach it to fly. People argue that we need to provide more care precaution but I feel at times it's important to just go for it. Afterwards we rode back in another car and it wasn’t until later did I see the car back at the shop. I discovered the car that was being worked on was sitting in someone's backyard for what they described as “a heck of a long time”. When I saw it it reminded me of the cars from the Indiana Jones movies. During my weeks at Dragonfly many different cars came in some cooler than others. This one felt like it was the most unique one. When they finished up there was a ton of dust on the bottom which took a while to sweep up. How the oil changes work is fairly simple (the only reason most people don’t do it at home is because they do not have a car lift) but there's more work that can be done by lifting the car such as changing the tires. Overall it was a very good learning experience about the work environment and I was thankful for getting the opportunity to better prepare myself for the working world.